Project Acceleration Analysis Using the Crashing Method with The Alternative of Additional Labor and Additional Working Hours in Drainage Work


  • James Thoengsal Universitas Teknologi Sulawesi
  • Miswar Tumpu Universitas Hasanuddin Makassar



Working Hours, labor, construction, crashing


Project work delays often occur due to differences in site conditions, design changes, weather influences, and planning errors. The problem faced is the project duration, where if the project duration is accelerated or crashes, there will be several options to cut the project duration. This is the problem that becomes the topic of the thesis/journal, namely "Analysis of Project Acceleration with the Crashing Method with Alternatives for Adding Manpower and Additional Working Hours in Drainage Works". The author uses the primary method, with sources of RAB, Time Schedule, working drawings and analysis of city unit prices. As well as secondary research methods with sources, from relevant books, and project data such as price lists and wages. From the results of the study it can be concluded that the total wages of workers under normal conditions is IDR. 16,864,000.00 with the duration of project work for 30 working days. From the results of the analysis in this study, the total wages of workers with alternative labor additions of IDR. 19,672,000.00 with the duration of project construction work for 25 working days or 15.15% faster than the normal duration. Meanwhile, the total wage for workers with the alternative of additional working hours (overtime) is IDR. 25,052,300.00 with the duration of the project construction work for 25 working days or 15.15% faster than the normal duration. A more economical alternative to completing the project is the addition of manpower because it saves IDR. 2,228,000.00 from additional working hours (overtime), from normal wages.


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How to Cite

Thoengsal, J., & Tumpu, M. (2024). Project Acceleration Analysis Using the Crashing Method with The Alternative of Additional Labor and Additional Working Hours in Drainage Work. Journal of Scientific Research, Education, and Technology (JSRET), 3(3), 1158–1165.