Model Development of Time and Cost Performance Measurement Methods - Earned Value Management (EVM) With a Combination of Dynamic Uncertainty Analysis (Case Study Road Construction Project in South Sulawesi Province)





Time, Cost, EVM, Dynamic, Performance, Uncertainly


In the execution cycle of a construction project often found a divergence varians especially with
respect to time and costs, which in detecting the occurrence of a deviation of the project is often
carried out an evaluation of the performance of the results that have been achieved both on time
and cost. One method that is most frequently used in evaluating the performance of the cost and
time that the methods Earned Value Management (EVM), but in the study of analysis methods EVM
can be concluded that the assumptions used only linear and static the estimation of the time and
cost of the project from performance has been generated just shows the estimated value of which is
rigid and not dynamic, where as if the result of the estimated project cost and time performance
shows one possible course. Therefore, the purpose of writing this article which is to carry out a
development model of performance measurement time and cost of the project by analyzing a
combination of uncertainty dymanic against time and cost of the project, which will be used in
combination by entering the numbers uncertainties optimistic, enable / ideal and pessimism about
the estimated time performance and future costs at the time of the evaluation process is done
(Freeze time). From the study results of the analysis conducted can be formulated basic equation in
the form of indicators that can be formulated to predict total project time and cost of the three
conditions, namely optimistic pessimist and ideal and analysis to the level of probability methods
normal distribution to predict time and totalcost of completing a project construction


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How to Cite

THOENGSAL, J. (2022). Model Development of Time and Cost Performance Measurement Methods - Earned Value Management (EVM) With a Combination of Dynamic Uncertainty Analysis (Case Study Road Construction Project in South Sulawesi Province). Journal of Scientific Research, Education, and Technology (JSRET), 2(1), 34–41.