Implementing Electronic Medical Records Through Big Data in Healthcare Facilities
Accessibility of information is one of the main benefits of implementing electronic medical records in the world of health. Through electronic medical records, medical information can be accessed quickly, efficiently, and integrated by authorized parties, bringing positive changes in health data management. This study aims to determine the implementation of electronic medical records through big data in health facilities. The research method used a literature study using data based on EBSCOhost, Science Direct, Proquest, and Google Scholar. Inclusion criteria included: 1) Articles in Indonesian and English; 2) Full-text articles; 3) Articles published in 2017-2023. Keywords have been adjusted to Medical Subject Heading (MeSH), namely: “Big Data AND Electronic Medical Records”. The retrieved articles were manually selected and reviewed from the title, keywords section, abstract, and the main context of the articles. The results of a literature study from the database showed that 5 relevant studies related to the implementation of electronic medical records through big data in health facilities have potential opportunities. Potential opportunities for the benefits of big data in health services are divided into 4 groups, including: 1)The quality of health services increased; 2) Supporting health workers in services; 3) Supporting research and scientific activities; 4) Management and business. The implementation of electronic medical records through big data in health services can provide potential opportunities including increased quality of health services, supporting health workers in services, supporting research and scientific activities, as well as management and business.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Yuliana Purnama Sari Min, Welldelin Yufuria Christiansi, Duarte Mau-Buti, Aristanto Prambudi

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